the science
Our lab technicians discovered that if you treat hair below icy cold temperatures, the fibre itself changes, locking in moisture improving strength and elasticity within the hair. As a result you get healthy, soft, shiny, naturally gorgeous hair and your color lasts twice as long. Pretty cool huh?

cold vs heat

heat & hair
At 47°C, longitudinal cracks appear, with lifting of the cuticle. At 95°C, multiple cracks, holes and hazy cuticle edges appear. Temperatures upwards of 150°C cause damage to 18-methyl eicosanoic acid 18-MEA, which is important for healthy hair! Hair that loses this will become knotted or matted more easily. Not good!

cold & hair
What happens when you use sub-zero temperatures? Between -8°C and -3°C moisture is rapidly absorbed into the hair fibre, creating an enduring elevated level of hydration in the fibre. Prolonged use of sub-zero temperatures help restore dry and damaged hair to its former glory.

sub-zero magic
It’s no secret that high temperatures fry our hair, killing moisture and damaging it almost beyond repair. Inverse uses sub-zero temperatures that give your locks everything they need and more.
Inverse helps balance the effects of external elements and lock in moisture to keep hair strong and healthy. It will also make your hair less susceptible to damage and breakage - which is exactly what you want. The more you use inverse, the better it is for your hair.

ice-cold hydration
Moisture is the foundation of healthy, more manageable hair. How do we know this? During scientific investigations, our team discovered that hair undergoes a hygrally induced hysteresis (locking in moisture) when subjected to sub-zero temperatures.
inverse is a treatment tool to repair hair & lock hydration; helping with frizz and humidity defence. When your hair is fully hydrated there is no need for it to search for moisture when the air is humid.