Here at inverse HQ, we understand new ideas can sometimes come with dose of skepticism so we have gone out of our way to echo the voice of our customers, to you, our new customers. Please reach out if you're unsure, have an idea or just want to be a part of the inverse movement!
Latoya's review & demo
Latoya is back with another demo, showing us how she uses her Inverse on her straightened hair. This is what she had to say.

MysteseBeauty's review & demo
The fabulous Mystese Beauty, a beauty blogger, got her hands on the Inverse Hair Conditioning System and she is in love! So much so, that she made a review and quick demo video to tell us all about it. This is what she had to say.

Alyshia's review and demo
Alyshia is a New Zealand beauty blogger, with 20,000 subscribers. She's been using Inverse on her long beautiful hair for several months now, and decided to do a full review and demo! This is what she has to say.

Diane's review and demo
Daiane is from Brazil, and she LOVES her Inverse. Here's what she has to say about our world first Ice Conditioner.

Dana Dey's review and demo

Grav3yardgirl's review and demo